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Choosing a Broker/Dealer is MORE Important Than You Think!

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2022


In the ever changing landscape of investing, trading, money management and advisory services, choosing a Broker/Dealer is more important than you think! People don't realize how much power they have as investors or traders when they bring capital to the table. Investing, trading and money management is a big business with big players all biting to get your capital in the door and keep you there forever. They're all offering you products and services, some better than others, and some you should always stay away from! In this blog article I'm going to show you a bunch of different options that you have and why it's so important to be educated before you make a decision.

What is a Broker/Dealer?

Let's first talk about what a Broker/Dealer actually is. In the world of finance and banking, when you want to invest your money in different products or services, you're going to need a broker/dealer to service you and provide that pathway. This is synonymous across...

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Trading Options is the Most Powerful High Level Skill You Should Learn

Uncategorized Mar 12, 2022


The year is 2022 and volatility is all around us. An environment where option traders thrive! If you're an investor, trader or you care at all about your financial literacy or financial situation, you should be trading options. Trading options has the power to transform your life and give you the financial freedom you deserve. In this blog article I'm going to talk about why trading options is the most powerful high level skill you should be learning today.

Options Are All Around Us

Wether you realize it or not, options are all around us. From the real estate and houses we live in, to the food on our tables, to the financial markets we use to conduct business, there are options on every asset class in the world.

It doesn't matter who you are or what your background is, options are highly liquid leveraged instruments that are easily accessible to anyone who wants to use them.

Of course you need to educate yourself before you start trading them. Just like anything else...

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